Bike Episode by Barry

Created by Hilary one year ago
In 2005 Deb and I met Mark and Hilary in Bath on our bikes and decided
to have a nice 25 mile bike ride from Bath to our Hotel in Bristol. After a drink in a pub we set off in glorious weather, all was going well until Mark decides to speed ahead !! After being out of sight for approximately 30 seconds we turned the corner to find him laying on the ground with the bike next to him with the gears and chain damaged. Hilary tried her best to repair the damage but Mark didn’t help, by trying to help, causing further damage, Hilary was not best pleased to say the least!!! I then proceeded to push Deb, on Mark’s bike, the last 9 miles to Bristol as the chain was not linked to the gears. Mark looked hilarious cycling a much smaller women’s bike at the same time. Poor Hilary then carried out major bike surgery in Bristol!! I have to say that Mark reuniting with Hilary gave him a new lease of life & brought the best out in him, and he almost conformed, but, Mark being Mark, you still had to expect the unexpected!