From Melissa

Created by Hilary one year ago
I knew Mark through Morris Dancing. A larger than life character with
wit and humour that more often than not, was on the borderline of being controversial and certainly uncompromising. Mark knew what he liked and didn't like and fiercely lived his life by what he valued most and that was to make everyday count by living life with a sense of adventure and playfulness. Sitting around at home was a waste of time in his view! But it was through his partner Hilary that I got to know his softer side. Mark was kind and generous. He was always the first one to organise an outing or a meal or a get together with friends. Sharing jokes, laughs and his time was how he rolled. Mark was, and always will be a man not to be easily forgotten and if I can take anything away from having the pleasure to be in his company, I think it would be to make every day count. Don't get stuck in a routine! X